This tutorial teaches you how to take particles from one champion and reuse them on another champion.
An code editor of your choice, we recommend Visual Studio Code:
If you choose Visual Studio Code, you need the Python extension aswell!
Other editors work aswell, aslong as they can edit .py (Python) files.
External Youtube Link!
Look up skills that might be useful for your champion (skin previews etc.)
Extract the bins and textures/models etc. for those abilities
Copy all the particles folders of the other champions into your wad.client folder
Edit the bins to your liking
Check in-game
If you have buggy textures: Run your wad folder through bintex, open the “Missing” list and add any missing files to your wad folder – Tutorial
Make sure that you now have everything in-game
In .bins, reroute all your particle files to the base folder of your champion – Tutorial
Move all your particle files into the base folder of your champion
Hope everything is there, if not, check the “Missing” list again or the code directly and add missing files.
After finishing your particles I recommend following this tutorial.
Your skins will break less often and should only break when a new skin for the champion gets released.